Making A Hotel Stay Easier When Traveling With A Small Child

When the need arises to stay in a hotel room with a small child to get much-needed rest as you make your way to your destination, you will want to go out of your way to make the stay one that will be enjoyable as you both are away from home. Staying in unfamiliar surroundings can be a bit overwhelming for a child, so you will want to take proper steps in making the room user-friendly so you will both get a good night's sleep. Here are some tips you can use to make your stay in a hotel a bit easier when staying with a child.

Do A Safety Sweep

Before allowing the child to walk through a hotel room freely, tell them to quietly sit on the bed as you do an inspection of the room for any safety hazards. It is a great idea to travel with a roll of duct tape. This can be used to cover exposed outlets and attach wash cloths to furniture corners. Get down to the child's level by crawling through the room on your hands and knees as you search for areas needing attention. The child will most likely enjoy watching you check for safety issues, helping to keep them quiet and out of the way until you are done.

Set Up Stations

After the room is deemed safe, set up stations in the room with like items so you do not need to search for belongings when they are needed. Make one corner a diaper changing station if one is needed. Have another area set aside as an eating or snack station. Place bath time items in the bathroom. Have sleeping necessities placed on a bedside table. Keep activities in one section so the child can get to it easily when they want something fun to do.

Bring Pieces From Home

As you pack for your trip, make sure you have some of the child's favorite items from their room at home. A stuffed animal, soft blanket, or comfortable pillow can dress up a hotel bed to look like the sleeping quarters the child is used to having at home. Bring some photos from home and tape them to a wall so the child can look at them when walking past.

Add Some Entertainment

Most hotels will have the option in renting a DVD player or ordering movies on demand. This will distract a young child if they are feeling a little uneasy about staying in a room other than their own. You can bring along a few small games to play, as well as a few children's books. If the stopover was not planned, ask the hotel clerk if they have any board games for rent. You may be able to find a game in the hotel gift shop, as well. When stopping for the night, opt for a hotel that has a swimming pool or playground on the premises to help keep the child occupied.

About Me

Staying In An Incredible Hotel

When I started planning an incredible anniversary getaway with my sweetheart, I knew that the hotel needed to be perfect. Instead of focusing on budget constraints, I started thinking about where we could stay that would transform our experience. I started investigating high end hotel options, and it was amazing to see how many different places catered to our lifestyle. After a little searching, I was able to find a hotel that offered a full vegan menu, which I knew was important to my wife. My blog is all about helping you to find the hotel of your dreams, without paying more than you should.